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 Fly  Fly



Fly   pastedGraphic.pngalloween is an exciting time for kids because it means “trick or treating” and lots of free candy. FlyWhat makes it even more exciting for kids (and a lot of adults) is that it also means dressing up in costume for the occasion. FlyIn fact, some IHMS Flyteachers are just as excited as the students to wear a costume to school on Halloween.Fly And why not? FlyMost people like the ideaFly of changing their persona Flyonce a year with a creative Halloween costume.                                                    Fly              Fly graphics-bats-247283tombstoneFly
Students wearing their costumes outside at the beginning of the school dayFly
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 FlypastedGraphic.pngalloween fell on a Thursday this year, so IHMS celebrated Thursday, October 31, 2019 with a N.U.T. day (“No Uniform Today”). Everyone was encouraged to attend school dressed in costume, and the more colourful and creative the outfit, the better!​Fly
Fly Students wearing some very colourful costumes. Fly
FlypastedGraphic_1.pngtudents were free to wear almost anything they wanted as long as it didn’t portray anything scary, evil, or inappropriate. FlyAnyone who either had a scary costume or who preferred not to wear a costume at all were asked to at least dress in orange and black. FlyNone of the students did this because everyone already had a costume ready for trick or treating that evening.Fly
Must tuck in uniform!
FlyMust do homework!
   Fly                                                Fly Fly
Kindergarten students preparing to show off their costumes to the rest of the school
                    Fly                                                                                Fly
FlypastedGraphic_1.pngome of the costumes were purchased from stores, but a lot were apparently home-made. IHMS has some very creative parents because the home-made costumes were by far funnier and more creative than the store bought costumes, and it was obvious that a lot of effort went into their design and manufacture.
My mom made this
Junior-high students dressed for Halloween
Flyince everyone was eager to show off their outfits, it’s been a yearly tradition at IHMS for students to parade their Halloween costumes in front of everyone else in the school. This is done in the form of a procession through each of the classes from Kindergarten all the way up to grade 8. In this way, everyone in the school can show off what they have, and at the same time they can see what everyone else is wearing. Fly                                                                                        
animated-bat1animated-bat1Look at me!
   Fly                                                                                                         Fly
Students parading through the classrooms in their Halloween costumes
           Fly                                         Fly
Flylettershe procession began with Mrs. Paulic and her Kindergarten students parading through the grade 1 classroom. As both grades checked each other out, the grade 1’s followed the Kindergarten students into the grade 2 classroom. The grade 2’s then followed the line into the grade 3 classroom, and so on. This continued all the way to the grade 8 classroom, and finally back down into the gym where everyone gathered for a short assembly.Fly Fly must2 zombie-animated-walking goto2zombie-animated-walking gymzombie-animated-walkingFly
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The students. led by Mrs. Paulic and her Kindergarten class,  processed through the downstairs hallway, up the front stairs, through the upstairs hallway, and then back down to the gymFly
Flyhe assembly was relatively brief this year – students didn’t participate in the usual “gym extravaganza” of Halloween activities as in past years. Instead, Mr. Picklyk spoke for a few minutes about the different types of costumes. Khushleen D, the student council president, told a few Halloween themed jokes which the younger students thought were hilarious.Fly                                                                             Fly                           Fly Fly

Students were eager to show off their Halloween costumes​
During the assembly. Mr, Picklyk (top photo) and student council president Khushleen D. (second photo) told a few Halloween themed jokes. Students raised their hand if they thought they knew the punchline.Fly
Flyhe students were then dismissed back to their classrooms. Before leaving, they were told that the grade 8’s would be visiting each classroom with a variety of Halloween activities for them to play. As the students left the gym, they were given a small bag of potato chips to have later in the day during their recess break.Fly.
Students were given a small bag of potato chips as they left the Halloween assembly
                                                                                                       Fly                        Fly
FlypastedGraphic_3.pngnother Halloween tradition at IHMS is for the staff to dress up in identical costumes. This has been a tradition for the past 26 years, and was never planned to continue beyond the first year. But the idea has persisted for the past 26 years. Fly
FlyClick here to view in larger format.Fly

“Super Teachers” of 1994Fly

The staff of IHMS have been wearing identical Halloween costumes since 1994 – a total of 26 years. The first of these Halloween themed outfits was a “Super Teacher” costume worn by the staff in 1994. The photo shown on the left was printed in the “Winnipeg Sun” newspaper. Those were simpler times!Fly
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Flyor this year (the 26th consecutive year), the staff dressed up as “Grammar Police”. This information, which rivalled the Manhatten Project in its secrecy, was not revealed to the students until staff members wore their costumes to school on October 31st.
 .Fly                                                                                                                                                           Fly
Fly Definition of “Grammar police”: Noun, (usually plural, but sometimes construed as singular) (idiomatic): FlyOne or more people who make negative comments, which are usually unsolicited and unwanted, concerning the correctness of someone’s English usage.Fly
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Some of the teachers wearing their “Grammar Police” outfits
ost staff members wore a black t-shirt with the words “Grammar Police” attached to their shirt. The students seemed to enjoy the idea of their teachers dressing identically, but they were much more concerned with showing off their own costume!Fly Fly
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IHMS  “Grammar Police” ready to spring into action
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       This is what happens when the “Grammar Police” are not on the job!
the dedicated and hard work teachers of the IHMS, are reel life “grammer police”, its’ there job to teach there student’s correct usability of the english language so they can right good and not bad and they dont get negative or not unwanted commence, etc. etc. the end,Fly
   Fly                                          Fly    Fly                   Fly                                                         Fly
The IHMS “Grammar Police” posing as a group in the gym, Click here to enlarge 
        Fly                                                                Fly
Flylettersn order to encourage healthier eating habits, Halloween has been declared a “candy free” day at IHMS (there will be plenty of candy later that evening). Families who wanted to share a fun treat on Halloween were asked to only bring an inexpensive toy … NO CANDY! FlyCapish?Fly Flynocandyihms
Fly Fly
Students excited to dress up in their Halloween costumes
Some of the younger students sitting on the gym floor during the Halloween assembly


Flyhe students had a lot of fun coming to school dressed up for Halloween. It gave them the opportunity to wear their costume twice – once during the day and again later that evening. There are a few other N.U.T. days spread throughout the school year, but most students agree that Halloween is the N.U.T. day they enjoy the most.Fly


If you’re squeamish about spiders, don’t go any further!
Fly Fly Fly Fly

















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