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An excited grade 1 girl preparing to play one of the indoor games at the Winter Fest Olympics


The highlight of this year’s Catholic Schools Week (which was two weeks ago) was a set of activities planned for Thursday afternoon called “Winter Fest”. These activities were team-based and inspired by the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Every student from Sadochok to grade 8 was assigned to a team, and each team was associated with a particular country participating in the Winter Olympics. As much as possible, students were asked to dress in the colours of their country’s flag.


A popular indoor activity was drinking hot chocolate in the front foyer of the school


Half of the Winter Fest activities were scheduled to take place indoors, and the other half were scheduled to take place outdoors in the playground – 10 different activities in total. Since the weather during Catholic Schools Week was too cold for outdoor activities, the Winter Fest Olympics were postponed to Tuesday. February 27.


Outdoor Activities


Outdoor Activity 1


Outdoor Activity 2


Outdoor Activity 3



Outdoor Activity 4



Outdoor Activity 5





Indoor Activities



Indoor Activity 1



Indoor Activity 2



Indoor Activity 3



Indoor Activity 4



Indoor Activity 5






After completing the last activity, everyone reconvened in the gym for some final remarks from Mr. Picklyk before being dismissed back to their classes.






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