On Wednesday, June 6th, the kindergarten to grade 3 students held their annual ???field day??? at the Gateway Recreational Centre in East Kildonan. In the past, the K-3 field day has typically been held at a city park such as St. Vital Park or Kildonan Park, but because Winnipeg weather is so unpredictable, the school has settled on a more reliable venue that can accommodate any weather condition. The Gateway Recreational Centre allows teachers the option to play their games either outside or indoors in the event of rain. As it turned out, the weather this year was hot and sunny (with a high of 28 degrees Celsius), so the students spent most of the day outside.
All events for the day were team based and meant to be fun. Unlike the grade 4-8 track and field day, individual accomplishments were downplayed in favour of team competition and co-operation.
The students were supervised by the K-3 classroom teachers – Sr. Anne (kindergarten), Mrs. Hutsulak (grade 1), Ms. Lutyj (grade 2 ), Mrs. Tycholis (grade 3), as well as Ms. Zakaluzny, Mrs. Laird, Mr. Picklyk, and Mr. Crooks. Each teacher was responsible for running one type of activity, and the students moved in small groups from activity to activity. Mr. Dedio was also available to help out as needed.
The students knew in advance they would be participating on different teams, and were pre-assigned to these teams based on the colour of shirt they were asked to wear. Each team had a mixture of students from K-3, and a letter was sent home to the parents asking them to dress their children in one of the following ???team colours???: red, light blue, dark blue, white, grey, black, yellow, orange, purple, and green.
The events in the morning were competitive and team based (such as tug of war), while the events in the afternoon were co-operative and meant to be fun (such as the parachute). There were a few more organized activities in the morning than in the afternoon.
At lunch time parent volunteers served each of the students a barbequed hot-dog, a slice of watermelon, a juice box, and a Freezie.
The Gateway Recreational Center had readily accessible washrooms, which were very convenient for the younger students. It also had a fenced in play area, which some students used during their hour of free time.
Everything wrapped up early in the afternoon, and the students were bused back to IHMS where they assembled in the gym for the awards ceremony. Team awards were given out for 5 different categories:
- Most co-operative teams
- Most encouraging teams
- Best team spirit
- Most colourful teams
- Best organized teams
There were 10 different teams of students, and 5 award categories. By giving an award to 2 teams for each category, every student ???won??? a team award.
The K-3 field day appeared to be successful, and everyone involved seemed to enjoy the outing.