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A grade 6 student reading to a grade 8 student during Buddy Reading


This year, IHMS celebrated “I Love To Read Week” from Tuesday, February 17 to Friday, February 20. During these four days, students were involved in activities that promoted and celebrated reading in their daily lives.


The theme for this year’s “I Love to Read Week” was:  Same But Different – Inspiring us to Help our Friends Around the World.


During the week, students read stories about other countries around the world, and discussed what life would be like for children currently living in these countries. These children may not have many of the things that we in Canada take for granted, such as good schools, safe homes, clean water, healthy food, and a peaceful society. The hope is that through classroom and family discussions, we can help inspire the students to see the need for change and to do something about it. ribbon


In addition, “I Love To Read Week” included a school wide activity called Buddy Reading where younger students paired up with an older “buddy”. The two students took turns reading to each other from the younger student’s book.


Older and younger students paired up for Buddy Reading


Also, the 23rd Annual Used Book Store was once again open for business on Thursday, February 19. This wasn’t really a store – it was a way to trade a previously read “used book” for a different used book. Students who wanted to participate brought an appropriate picture book or novel to school a few days earlier, and in exchange they received a coupon that could be used to acquire another book on February 19. Each classroom had a time slot when they could visit the Used Book Store. ILTR2


 Some of the action taking place during the Used Book Store


This was a great way for children to share old favorites with other students and to come home with books which may soon become new favorites.


The grade one students worked “behind the counter” at the Used Book Store


“I Love to Read Week” was an interesting time for the students as well as lot of fun! Thank you to Ms. Lutyj, Mrs. Walkow, Mrs. Radawetz, and Mrs. Zulyniak for organizing it.




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